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Date: June 14, 2018

Assalamu Alaikum, 

Eid Al-Fitr will be celebrated on Friday, June 15th, 2018.

Eid Mubarak to you and your families. May Allah accept from us our prayer, fasting, and remembrance this past month and allows us to experience true love for Him and His messenger ﷺ. A month of reverence has passed us and we pray that we have left this month with true understanding of the Taqwa (God consciousness) that Allah has prescribed upon us and light in our hearts to aid us in navigating these later days. We are now entering the month of Shawal and by the bounty of Allah these coming days will be days of celebration. The Prophet ﷺ took the time to visit his blessed family in this time so we should all strive to fulfill this sunnah. This is a time to come together and express our joy upon the completion of this blessed month as a community, so let us all spread love and the greetings of peace given to us by our Prophet ﷺ. 

We would also like to remind you that Zakat Al-Fitr ($10 per person) is due to be submitted before the imam climbs the mimbar for the Eid Khutba.

Imam Mohamed Almasmari 
Chair of Imam's Council
Imam, Muslim Unity Center

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